Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Summer Goals

I have been going crazy putting loose ends together for all the projects I have on the go. It's time to review my goals for the last half of this year. Setting specific, achievable goals is mandatory for anyone who wants to move past status quo. That's easy to say but hard to do. The problem most of us have with setting achievable goals is, breaking them down into small steps. I've found that the easiest way to chunk things down is to work backwards. Let me illustrate with a weight loss example.

It is not a goal when you say "I want to lose some weight" in fact we need to turn the word want into the word "must". Now let's get specific. I must lose 2olbs of fat by September 15th in order that I can become healthier and feel good about myself when I go on my overseas trip.

That is specific - here comes the chunk it down part. In order to lose 20 lbs by September 15 (approx. 8 weeks) I would need to lose 2.5 pounds a week. It is unhealthy to lose more than 3lbs a week so I know 2.5 lbs is achievable.

Let's break it down again. What must I do to lose 2.5 lbs in one week? That answer becomes simple. Burn more calories than you eat and create a deficit. How do I burn more calories? We know that muscle burns more calories and speeds up the metabolism, so weight training is scheduled. We also know that cardio exercise helps shed the fat stores the muscles don't use so I'll plan to do cardio at least 3 times a week. Now I have something I can measure (besides my waist) Tangible milestones that can keep me on track.

This is not a weight loss clinic but a lesson in specific goal setting. How much money do you want to earn per year? per month? per day? per hour? My newspaper experience drilled into me the urgency and importance of a deadline. Set a deadline for your goals and go for it.

Oh yeah, writing down your goals is crucial - sharing your goals will keep you accountable.
My next goal: I will record a 5 demos for my next CD by Oct 30


At 9:03 AM, Blogger The Principal said...

How did your first CD sell? I recall hearing "Pebble in My Shoe" on Randy's site and thought it was a pretty good song. Thanks for your 'goal setting' info. It is important to be specific when setting goals, otherwise they get lost in their own vagueness. I think that is why goals are not met. The writing down part also brings an accountability to them as well.


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