Thursday, February 02, 2006


I have recently signed on as a Compassion Canada artist. Compassion works in under developed countries to bring critical care and education to children. I am going to do a series of shows durning which I will educate others on how much their support is needed.

We live in abundant times and often forget how the majority of the world lives in poverty. For those who are convicted to give back in a small way, I've found that Compassion is a very reputable and worthwhile organization to support. They support children in many countries we can sponsor a child for very little money.

I personally have sponsored 3 children. Compassion is sending me to the mission field in March. I am taking my own family and we will be meeting one of our sponsored children, Emillio, face to face.

I plan on documenting much of the trip so I will keep this blog up to date.