Thursday, October 27, 2005

Off To Regina

We are getting ready to play Regina on Friday night. I love the folks in Saskatchewan, they rock.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Back in the Hat

Just had a rehearsal with a long time friend and bass player, Dave Reimer, who is going to substitute for Mick this weekend in Medicine Hat. Check the tour dates for location:

Dave is an awesome singer and a great bass player. Dave toured with a version of BTO in the late 1980's. A little known fact is that Dave and I played in a band together in Victoria when we were 19 years of age. We wrote award winning songs and spent many days driving around in my old Ford van that I bought from Dave's dad. It will be kind of cool to play together again.

I'm looking forward to getting on the road where I'll have more time to update this Blog.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Next Tour

For anybody following along on this blog I welcome your comments. (You can post as anonymously if you want) I have been getting emails from many of you and it's so cool to hear where everybody is from.

Our next tour isn't quite as exotic as Sweden, it's actually Alberta, Canada. One thing is for sure, the Albertans know how to rock. I used to live in Calgary and I have very fond memories of Wild Rose country. If you know about xml feeds you can add this blog feed to your website.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Jet Lag

The first day home was no problem. Half way through the second day back, I was a walking zombie. (hmm JetLag is kind of a cool name for a band) It's good to be home, I was just getting into the European groove and I could go back tomorrow. I think everyone should spend some time overseas and absorb some different culture. This was a short introductory tour and it was great to see old fans and meet new friends.

Thank you all for the wonderful emails! It is so cool to connect with people all over the world. Alot of people from different countries have been following this blog as well. Even though we are not touring for a couple of weeks I will continue to add more content.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Merchandise Mania

A guy came to the Copenhagen gig with every vinyl album that Randy has either produced or played on. including Trooper albums, Guess Who Albums and a plethora of BTO compilations.
Some albums Randy had never seen or even knew existed. It was cool to see the fans embrace our band. Note to new bands: work on your brand and then hold on to it.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Our only chance to explore Copenhagen happened to fall on a Sunday when most shops are closed.

What an incredibly historic place. Even though the shops were closed it was still an amazing experience to trod on the cobblestone streets and see the centuries old architecture blended with the modern fashion design that Scandinavia is so famous for.
This is the longest pedestrian shopping mall in the world. I have to tell you that shins ached the next day. It must have been from walking on such uneven stones.

Great Danes

I have to say that the Danish audience really rocks. Our last two shows were in Denmark and a combination of factors contributed to the success of the shows. Firstly, the venues allowed people to drink in the theatre, secondly the people had an area where they could come to the front (to play air guitar or dance) and lastly the fans were more familiar with all the music.

The difference between Sweden and Denmark is (to use a local analogy) West Van (Sweden) vs. Surrey (Denmark)

It's been a long time since I've been in a place where the peole can smoke and drink anywhere.
My impression is that the Danish folks party alot harder than the Swedes. The Swedes still "ROCK" they are a great crowd, however the Danes party and Rock at the same time!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Bedtime Blog

Here are some comments from European road crew

Tomas: Hi to all my friends in Canada and the rest of the world including Sam Roberts.

Goertz: I want to have a game from someone of Canada. A Game of throwing axes.

A Very Long Travel Day To Denmark

We left Gavle and drove 2 hours to Stockholm, flew to Copenhagen and then drove 3 hours to Esbjerg. We had a mix of weather and temperatures - to compare it to Canada (temperature and overall feeling) Gavle was like a crisp fall day in Victoria, Stockholm was like a grey drizzly day in Vancouver, Copenhagen was like a windy day in Edmonton and Esbjerg reminded me of Halifax or downtown Kingston.