Monday, August 29, 2005

Morden Madness

Wayne, the promoter in Morden MB, got me good I must admit. The small community of Morden about 2 hours south of Winnipeg hosted The Randy Bachman Band at it's annual Corn and Apple Festival. What Randy didn't know, is that Morden is the home of many of my relatives on my Father's side of the family and they are practical jokers. When we rolled into town the first evidence of the event was a poster with my face on it. The poster listed all Randy's hits as my hits and featured a tiny black and white photo of Randy in the bottom corner. (He was the cover band) The poster looked official even for a joke and I was suitably embarrased. (Thanks Wayne you warned me)

To top it off when they introduced the band after a mild introduction of Randy the annoucer screamed "but the real reason we're here tonight is to hear . . . Colin Arthur Wiebe". A thunderous cheer erupted and the fans and relatives waived "We Luv U Colin" placards.

Thanks Wayne that's a moment I won't forget for a long time (and neither will Randy :)
Only in Morden where the corn is sweet and the folks have wayyy too much time on their hands. You can see the poster here at

Thursday, August 25, 2005

RB On the Air

Randy Bachman's CBC radio show, Vinyl Tap can be heard every Sunday night at 7pm.
During the CBC strike I think they are airing reruns so if you've missed some of the early shows you'll probably hear them.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


What a beautiful town! We played for 10,000 people beside lake Ontario in Gananoque. Our warm up act was a husband and wife duo called The Laws. I suggest checking out their music at I love hearing their blend of close harmony over Americana grooves.

I met Wayne Gretzky's dad and Dan Ackroyd was in attendance. Also the staff and volunteers were awesome. If you haven't visited the land of 1000 islands I would suggest the next time you are in Ontario in the summer make a point of visiting Gananoque.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Toronto at 2am

We just checked into a hotel near the Toronto Airport and we'll be driving to the Port Elgin gig tomorrow morning. I was in California all last week so at least I've got a bit of a tan going on.
CBC is on strike but it looks as though Randy will still be able to air his Vinyl Tap shows.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Podcasting - You're On The Air

Have you ever wanted to be on the radio? Produce your own
radio talkshow? Ever since I was a kid I have been recording
my voice, or my music on to various formats of tape recorders
and most recently computers. (Check my music website at I am excited about some brand new
recording devices and a new forum called "podcasting" to get
your message or music out to the world.

Podcast is a term coined for Internet broadcasting by combining
the words "iPod" and "broadcast." Podcasts are created and posted
to the Internet as an MP3 file that you can download to your computer
and listen to.

Using mp3 audio to broadcast a message was formerly known as
“audio-blogging.” With millions of iPod owners out there, the name
became associated with Apple's, iTunes. Podcasting software allows
you to be automatically updated when a specific podcast you subscribe
to has been updated.

Here's How Podcasting Works…

A Podcast, or your "Radio Show" is basically a file sitting ona website
waiting to be downloaded. When someone subscribes to the Podcast
by using easily available freeware. The program will check for updates
and download any new files to your playlist. To automatically sync files
to your iPod, you'll need to use a podcast client. iPodder is a free,
open-source client that is available for Mac OS X, Windows & Linux.

Podcasting is realtively new and because of this many new podcasts
are be created. The cool thing about podcasts is that anyone can create
them. It's quite simple to get started and there is very little start-up
cost to
creating your own podcast. All you need is some recording software, a
microphone, a show idea and a page on the Web to make your podcast

Choose a topic that you're passionate about. It could be about music,
health and wellness, sports or politics, then plan your podcast.
The best way to post your podcast to the Web is using FTP. Podcasts
are typically large files so FTP protocol is designed to safely upload large

MP3 Player or computer with iTunes installed

Let's Get started

A: Record your Podcast to MP3 format
(I recommend the portable Edirol R-1, or the iRiver for recording directly
to MP3 remotely.)
I use Apple's Garage Band for editing and recording at home.

B: Upload your MP3 to a website

C: Create an RSS feed of your podcast
I am using WebJay an online html generator

To find a podcast, simply type "new podcasts" into a search engine like
Google. You could also visit an online directory of podcasts such as There are also communities such as:,
PodcastAlley, and Digital Podcast.

For more detailed instructions on Podcasting you may want to purchase the
e-book Podcast Secrets Revealed